
Hi! My name is Elizabeth O’Connell, but call me Lizzy!

Thank you for coming to my site! Please explore around as I’m proud to share my thoughts, travels and clips with you.

A little bit about myself. I was born and raised in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, home to the longest running Memorial Day Parade in the country. A passion of sports grew from my family room and cultivated by a die hard Eagles fan. Thus, encouraging me to break into the sports world.

The winters in the Northeast motivated me to move to the desert and attend the University of Arizona. I graduated in 2018 with a Bachelors of Arts in Journalism and a double minor in Spanish and Sports Management.

While living in the Old Pueblo, I discovered my love for story telling through writing, photography and videography. I held internships at two local Tucson news stations, worked as a Communications Assistant at the College of Pharmacy, the school newspaper, apprenticed at the Arizona Daily Star, and became a photographer for Arizona Athletics.

There was more to my story I needed to write before sharing others. So I then moved to Thailand for six months where I taught English to Nursery and Kindergarten students. It was the most rewarding experience of my life as I traveled and emerged myself in a new culture. But above all, I discovered who I am.

Low and behold, you got the cliff notes version of my biography! I appreciate you reading through it. Now enough about who I am, go check out my work!!